Listing Description

Students have the opportunity to pursue higher education at an internationally recognized government university for an  affordable cost and unique opportunity to Study & Work abroad in a country which is very safe and friendly for students.​

Successful life in today’s challenging and fast moving world “Chance to Success” & “RCHE” have the career opportunity by introducing to enhance your personal and intellectual growth, allowing you to participate in variety of activities which includes exclusive services.

Today’s competitive job market requires applicants to distinguish themselves, and international education experience is the perfect way to do so.  Having European international education experience is an incredible resume booster, as it shows prospective employers you are motivated, independent, and generally more qualified. Additionally, obtaining foreign language skills can make you eligible for all sorts of jobs that you may have otherwise been unqualified for.

Chance to Success is dedicated to develop exciting educational program Study & work in Abroad may be that defining moment in your education that will change your life. Nothing will be quite the same after you have studied abroad. Your perspectives will be global, your attitudes will be international and you will have memories that you will carry forever. Your resume will be more attractive, in some cases your language proficiency will be advanced, and you will have developed lifelong friendships.


  • Russia
  • Vietnam


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